You're About To Get Instant Access To Lessons That Cost Me Years And Millions Of Dollars
You've heard the saying "give someone a fish, and you feed them for one day. Teach someone how to fish, and they're fed for a lifetime."
That's what happened to me. People didn't tell me to buy xyz stock, or trade forex, or buy gold, or flip real estate.
Advice like that is an inaccurate approach to success.
The people I learned from didn't tell me to only get materialistic things.
That old saying "money isn't everything" is true, there is more to life than money.
Sure, money is important but it's not everything.
These mentors instilled in me the same principles that I'm about to pass on to you.
Principles that I compiled, not only through contact with these mentors I'm talking about, but also by reading thousands of books.
This is no crazy idea, this is real life.
As you go through this book, be patient. Like Caesar Augustus would say "Festina Lente", make haste slowly.
Take the time to internalize each lesson.... all 67 are important.
This book is my owner's manual to The Good Life. A life with health, wealth, love, and happiness.
Not sure that these lessons work?
Near the bottom of this page, you can see what other people, just like you, have to say.