Get The Secret 67 Lessons That I Got From Critical People I Bumped Into In My Life

These lessons took me from living on a couch, broke, with no opportunity, to traveling the world living a dream life


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You're About To Get Instant Access To Lessons That Cost Me Years And Millions Of Dollars

You've heard the saying "give someone a fish, and you feed them for one day. Teach someone how to fish, and they're fed for a lifetime."

That's what happened to me. People didn't tell me to buy xyz stock, or trade forex, or buy gold, or flip real estate.

Advice like that is an inaccurate approach to success.

The people I learned from didn't tell me to only get materialistic things.

That old saying "money isn't everything" is true, there is more to life than money.

Sure, money is important but it's not everything.

These mentors instilled in me the same principles that I'm about to pass on to you.

Principles that I compiled, not only through contact with these mentors I'm talking about, but also by reading thousands of books.

This is no crazy idea, this is real life.

As you go through this book, be patient. Like Caesar Augustus would say "Festina Lente", make haste slowly.

Take the time to internalize each lesson.... all 67 are important.

This book is my owner's manual to The Good Life. A life with health, wealth, love, and happiness.

Not sure that these lessons work?

Near the bottom of this page, you can see what other people, just like you, have to say.

By Getting Your Copy Of The 67 Steps Ebook TODAY, You Get Instant Access To The Following

  • The "67 Steps" Program to The Good Life: I want to shave years off the painful learning curve to find The Good Life and accelerate my goals.
  • 3-Month Access To Tai's Exclusive Million Dollar Mentor Live Coaching Calls: I will also get direct access to live calls to learn from Tai and his millionaire friends. This is the fastest way to upgrade my mindset, listening to multiple millionaires constantly.
  • Book-Of-The-Day Premium Library: I will receive access to Tai's "Book-Of-The-Day" Premium Library with audio and video summaries. Now I am getting access to Tai's personal premium library, that's not available to the public. Now I am getting his personal library of premium book summaries not available anywhere to the public.
  • Super Bonuses: I get instant access to the one-time bonus material including The Investment Secrets Of The Ultra Wealthy, Smart Reading, Breaking Free Of The Salary Slave, and much more.

Everybody Wants The Good Life,
But Not Everybody Gets The Good Life...
The More You Learn The More You Earn!

The average American makes $51,017 a year yet is $225.238 in debt. As they say in poker, if you've been in the game for 30 minutes and don't know who the sucker is, you're the sucker.

You never want to be the sucker.

Imagine if you could have back the years you have wasted dating the wrong person; got back the money you lost on bad investments: take back the lost decades you spent in the wrong career.

The greatest wish of every human is to have their wasted years back, but how?

l asked myself many years ago, if there aren't 3 steps to get whatever you want, how many steps really are there? And if you can't get success overnight, how quickly can you actually make a big change?

Like the self-made billionaire Warren Buffett says, You only learn from mistakes. But they don't have to be your mistakes. It's a hell of a lot easier to learn from the mistakes of others.

Start by asking yourself, are you so excited about life that you can't wait to wake up? Not many people are.

Invest In Your Own Brain.
Double Down On Your Mind.

Since I was 16 years old I have traveled to over 51 countries, read thousands of books, and been mentored by millionaires and billionaires.. Started or invested in over a dozen multi-million dollar companies. I regularly charge training, coaching, and consulting anywhere from $1000 to $1,000,000 per year

My collection of principles, thoughts, and sayings has grown over the years. The problem now is that when I try to refer back to all this wisdom, the list has become too long and too hard to sort through.

I narrowed the list down to a more manageable number. I chose the number 67. That number's based on new research by the University College London that found it takes about 66 days to form a new habit. So I added one more for good luck & came up with 67...

These Steps came from the teachings of powerful and famous people like Bill gates, Charlie Munger, Peter Drucker, Gandhi, and my personal mentors. Some are from my own personal experiences as an entrepreneur and from in-person meetings with some of the greatest minds around the globe.

These 67 Steps will be your guide to avoiding the pain of a wasted life.

Money-Back Guarantee

I so strongly believe that the 67 Steps will revolutionize your health, your wealth, your love life, and your happiness - just like it has countless other people around the world - that I'm willing to give you a 100% no questions asked money-back guarantee. But let me say one thing, if you apply the knowledge from my 67 Steps Ebook, you will shave years off life's painful learning curve, and reach your goals two or three times faster than you would normally. This book will have things you have never heard of before.

Use The Ideas From The Greatest
Minds In History

My goal is to change the world and I know that by making these 67 Steps essentially free I will reach a wider audience.

The 67 Steps are not a get-rich-quick scheme, although I am sure they can make you richer than you've ever imagined. You will not lose 30 pounds overnight, although you can use these steps to get in the best shape of your life.

One of the most common questions I get is, Tai what is the best investment I can make?

Warren Buffett made $60 billion dollars as an investor in dozens of different industries but he still says, The Most Important investment you can make is in yourself.

You are probably already imagining the new and exciting life you are about to embark on. I say go for it. Let your mind wander and imagine the possibilities that fear has locked away from you for so long.

As the great UCLA basketball coach John Wooden said:
"Be quick but not in a hurry."

Start immediately on these 67 Steps, don't procrastinate. But also understand that these are deep concepts designed to rewire your brain.

Because once you do (and I'm counting on you to do this), it will be a good life for you...

Stay strong,


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